The Hobbit – Chapter 17

The Clouds Burst

What terms do Thorin and Bard come to? What Army makes the first attack?

They both agree that Bard can keep the Arkenstone temporarily before Thorin gives Bark gold and treasure for it back. The elves made the first large attack.

Name the armies in the Battle of the Five Armies. What stops Thorin’s advance?

The armies in the Battle of the Five Armies consist of the Elven Army from Mirkwood, the men from Lake-town, the dwarves from Iron Hills, the goblins from Misty Mountains, and the Wargs. Thorin’s advance was stopped when he pushed forward into the orcs and runs into Bolg’s bodyguards who resist his attack. The orcs and wargs counter-attack and push him back.

Where does Bilbo take his final stand? Why?

He took his final stand at Ravenhill because there was more chance of survival and even thought he may did die, he died protecting the Elven king.

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