The Hobbit – Chapter 19

The Last Stage

Where was Gandalf while the expedition crossed Mirkwood? How long do Bilbo and Gandalf stay at Rivendell?

Gandalf was at the great council of white wizards to fight the necromancer while the expedition crossed Mirkwood. Bilbo and Gandalf stayed at Rivendell for one week.

Why do they walk at the end of their journey?

They walk at the end of their journey because the ponies were exhausted and the grass was nice to walk on so they walked on it.

Why are Bilbo’s goods being auctioned?

Bilbo’s goods were being auctioned because he was gone so long that they thought Bilbo was dead so they wanted to make use of his items and make money out of it.

What changes does Balin notice in Bilbo?

Balin notices that Bilbo’s new waistcoat has real gold buttons. He also notices Bilbo as a different person after the journey.

What happened to the old master of Lake-town?

The old master of Lake-town was given a large amount of gold to improve Lake-town. He was a very greedy person so he attempted to escape and keep all of the gold to himself but ended up dying of starvation.


The Hobbit – Chapter 18

The Return Journey

Why isn’t Bilbo found until the day after the battle? Who turned the tide of the battle?

Bilbo was found the day after the battle because he was knocked unconscious when he had his ring on. Boern and the eagles turned the tide of the battle.

What gifts does Dain give?

Dain gives a fourteenth of all the treasure to Bard, Bard uses this treasure to rebuild Dale and make Lake-town a better, more comfortable place to live in.

What becomes of Boern in later years?

In later years, Boern becomes the chief of the land between the mountains and Mirkwood.

The Hobbit – Chapter 17

The Clouds Burst

What terms do Thorin and Bard come to? What Army makes the first attack?

They both agree that Bard can keep the Arkenstone temporarily before Thorin gives Bark gold and treasure for it back. The elves made the first large attack.

Name the armies in the Battle of the Five Armies. What stops Thorin’s advance?

The armies in the Battle of the Five Armies consist of the Elven Army from Mirkwood, the men from Lake-town, the dwarves from Iron Hills, the goblins from Misty Mountains, and the Wargs. Thorin’s advance was stopped when he pushed forward into the orcs and runs into Bolg’s bodyguards who resist his attack. The orcs and wargs counter-attack and push him back.

Where does Bilbo take his final stand? Why?

He took his final stand at Ravenhill because there was more chance of survival and even thought he may did die, he died protecting the Elven king.

The Hobbit – Chapter 16

A Thief in the Night

How does Bilbo leave the mountain without being caught? What is Bilbo’s plane to avoid war? Is it a good plan?

He uses his ring to safely leave the mountain. His plan to avoid war is to give Bard the Arkenstone so he doesn’t need to participate in the war. I think the plan is clever but I don’t think it is the best plan and that there are other ways of avoiding war.

What old friends does Bilbo meet in the camp?

Bilbo meets his old friend, Gandalf in the camp.

The Hobbit – Chapter 15

Gathering of the Clouds

How did Ravenhill get its name?

Ravenhill got its name because many there were many ravens in the particular area.

How old is Roac?

Roac is known as an elder and is one hundred and fifty-three  years old.

When does Thorin name himself King under the mountain?

He names the King under the mountain when he arrives at Lake-town to block the gateway.

The Hobbit – Chapter 14

Fire and Water

Why does Smaug decide to destroy Lake-town? Whose “fault” is it that he decides to seek revenge on the Lake-men?

Smaug decides to destroy Lake-town because he knew that the Lake-men helped the dwarves before. It is Bilbo’s fault because he brought up the barrels in his riddles which concrete’s his decision of destroying Lake-town.

Who is the guard “with a grim voice” (p.247)?

Bard is the guard with the “grim voice”.

Why do the men of Esgaroth destroy the bridges?

The men of Esgaroth destroy their bridges because they hear about the incident in Lake-town and they want to make it more difficult for Smaug to reach their town.

Why can bard understand the Thrush (pp.250-51)?

He understands the Thrush because he is part of the race of Dale.

Why are the people of Esgaroth angry with Thorin? Do you think they have a right to be angry? Do you think Thorin owes them anything?

The people of Esgaroth are angry with Thorin because they were kind and generous to Thorin and the get their town destroyed in return because of Thorin. They have the right to be upset at Thorin because they treated him well but they did not get treated well in return.  I think that Thorin should give a percentage of his treasure to them for payment of the damage.