The Hobbit – Chapter 5

Riddles in the Dark

How does Bilbo know his sword was made by elves? Why is it good that Bilbo lost his matches?

Bilbo is aware that his sword is made elves because it starts to glow when goblins are nearby. It is good that Bilbo lost his matches because it lead to him finding the ring.

How does Gollum guess that Bilbo has his ring?

Gollum guesses that Bilbo has the ring because Bilbo acts nervous and worried when Gollum asks Bilbo what was in his pocket.

How do the goblins know that someone is at the gate? Which of the dwarves is the most surprised to see Bilbo?

The goblins knew someone was there because the sunlight showed Bilbo’s shadow. Balin was the most surprised and excited to see Bilbo.

Explain what the feelings of the dwarves would be when they first see Bilbo?

I think the dwarves would be very surprised and relieved to see Bilbo alive.

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