The Hobbit – Chapter 4

Over Hill and Under Hill

Advised by Elrond, Gandalf the 13 dwarves and Bilbo take the right path into the treacherous mountain. They deeper they go into the mountains, the more colder and dangerous, Bilbo thinks of home once again. The dwarves are positive that they will reach Lonely Mountain by Durin’s Day but Gandalf thinks differently because he knows he evil and dangerous the land they are travelling on are.

The 14 and Gandalf are soon in the middle of a thunderstorm that is caused by stone-giants. they all take refuge and sleep in the back of a cave. Bilbo dreams of a crack in the back of the cave and finds out that it is real and that the ponies and Goblins have gone into it. When the Goblins try to take Gandalf, he creates a lightning flash in the cave and a few Goblins die. After, the crack closes and Gandalf disappears.

The Goblins force Bilbo and the dwarves into the cavern of the Great Goblin with whips. They see their ponies which will be eaten by the Goblins soon after. The Great Goblin accuses the dwarves as being spies, thieves and murderers. The Goblins sees Thorin’s sword which is called Orcrist or Goblin-clever which the goblins recognize as an elvish sword that killed many Goblins. They know it as Biter. The Great Goblin becomes infuriated and orders the goblins to kill the dwarves. Suddenly, the sword Glamdring appears and kills the Great Goblin.

Gandalf’s voice takes Bilbo and the dwarves out of the cave. The goblins go after them but Thorin and Gandalf turn and kill a few goblins. Bilbo, the dwarves and Gandalf continue deeper into the goblin tunnels. The goblins sneak up behind Dori who is carrying Bilbo and Dori falls and Bilbo becomes unconscious when he hits his head on a rock.

The cave of the Great Goblin


Why does the expedition take shelter in the cave?

The expedition takes shelter in the cave because there was a very large thunder-battle when Bilbo, Gandalf and the 13 dwarves were going through the mountain.

Why isn’t Gandalf captured?

Gandalf isn’t captured because he blind and kills some of the goblins that try to capture him and he disappears.

What do goblins usually do with their prisoners?

Goblins would eat the animals such as the ponies in this book, and they would make their slaves work until they died.

How does Gandalf rescue Bilbo and the dwarves?

Gandalf has the blade Glamdring that killed the Great Goblin and gave a bit of time for Bilbo and the dwarves to get away from the goblins.

What do you think the feelings of the group are at this moment now that they have found shelter? Is there and tension between any of the characters?

I don’t think there is any tension because the travellers are already exhausted and they don’t have energy to think about anything but rest.





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