The Hobbit – Chapter 13

Not at Home

What does Thorin give Bilbo?

Thorin gives Bilbo a coat of Elvish mail and a leather studded helmet which was thought to be impenetrable as a thank you gift.

Which hall leads to the Front Gate?

The hall that leads to the front gate is the council and feasting hall the the dwarves had celebrated in which contained bones and jewellery which was not touched by Smaug.

 Why do the dwarves leave the underground halls?

The dwarves fled from the underground halls because they were scared that Smaug would return because they didn’t know where Smaug was or why he had disappeared.

The Hobbit – Chapter 12

Inside Information

Who goes partway down the tunnel with Bilbo?

Balin goes partway down the tunnel with Bilbo.

What does Bilbo take from the hoard?

Bilbo steals a golden cup from Smaug’s hoard of treasure but shortly after Smaug notices the missing golden cup.

Bilbo quotes two of his father’s sayings. What are they? Who is the real leader of the expedition?

“Third time pays for all” and “every worm has his weak spot” are the two sayings Bilbo quoted from his father. The true leader of the expedition was Bilbo because he makes critical choices which saves the dwarves by noticing that Smaug had a weak spot from the quote “every worm has his weak spot”.

What about Bilbo puzzles Smaug?

Smaug can usually identify creatures from their scent but Smaug had never smelt a hobbit before therefore getting confused to what creature he was.

What is the most important thing Bilbo learns from Smaug? What proverb does Bilbo invent?

The most important thing Bilbo learns from Smaug is that he has a weak spot on his right chest which is not covered by his thick, protective skin. After Bilbo talks to Smaug, he creates a poem called “never laugh at live dragons” because he nearly got killed by one bye doing it.

What is the Arkenstone?

The Arkenstone is a marvellous gem that glows in many different bright colours, the gem is one of the dwarve’s most prized possessions

Smaug’s weak spot- 

The Hobbit – Chapter 11

On the Doorstep

What won’t the men of Lake-town stay with the dwarves? Where does the expedition make each of their three camps?

The men of Lake-town won’t stay with the dwarves because they don’t want to be too close to the mountain and the dragon. The first camp is on the western side of the southern spur, the second camp is on a long narrow valley and the third camp is on a grassy bay.

What causes the door to appear? Should the dwarves have predicted this event? Why didn’t they?

The door appeared when the sunlight showed the dwarves where the keyhole was. After they saw this, Thorin used his key to unlock the door. The dwarves should not have been able to predict this event because they didn’t have any knowledge  of what Smaug did to the kingdom that he took over.




The Hobbit – Chapter 10

A Warm Welcome

What are the connotations of the word master? What does the fact that the town’s leader is called “Master” rather than: “King” or “Mayor” or “Governor” suggest about the way he rules? Why does the Master welcome the expedition.

I think the connotations of a master is that he has a lot of power and control over the person that calls him master. It makes the people sound like the master’s slave. This could mean that the master is controlling all of his people as slaves and that he owns them. The master welcomes the expedition because of the folklore and legends that tell lakemen that their lives are improved by dwarves.

What is the history of the relationship between the dwarves and the men? Why are he dwarves happy? Why is Bilbo unhappy?

While Dale was rich, the men were wealthy but aren’t anymore. They hopes that Thror and Thrian would return so the men could be wealthy and happy again. The dwarves are happy because they are being spoiled and because the journey is coming to an end. Bilbo is unhappy because he doesn’t like the fact that he has to kill Smaug.

What does the Elven king think will happen to the dwarves?

The Even king thinks that the dwarves will be slain by Smaug the dragon that stole the treasure or arrested by the lakemen.

What is the Master’s reaction when Thorin announces his departure?

He gets sad that they are leaving but also gets happy because of the treasure that he will get if the dwarves successfully complete the adventure.

The Hobbit – Chapter 9

Barrels out of Bond

Why, where and how are the dwarves imprisoned? Why wasn’t Bilbo imprisoned as well? How does Bilbo get in and out of the palace?

The dwarves were being imprisoned in the Elven Kingdom because they were causing a disturbance when they shot the deer and the confrontation with the spiders. The also trespassed the Elven kingdom’s land. Bilbo wasn’t locked up because he had the ring that let him sneak in and out of the kingdom.

How many entrances does the palace have?

The Elven Kingdom had two entrances, the main gate and the water gate which he used to sneak in and out.

Where is the elves’s wine made?

The elves’s wine is made from the south where the work to make the wine.


The Hobbit – Chapter 8

Flies and Spiders

What do the dwarves shoot with their bows?

The dwarves shoot a deer with their bow when it jumped on the boat and used the meat for food because they were low on food supplies.

When Bilbo climbs the tree, why doesn’t he see an end to forest?

When Bilbo climbs a tree, he is not able to see the end of the forest because he was on a tree which was at the bottom of the valley.

What does Bombur dream of?

Bombur fell into the enchanted stream which made him drowsy and then unconscious. When he was unconscious, Bombur dreamed of a huge feast.

What does Bilbo name his sword? What does his decision to name his sword reveal about the heroic qualities he is developing?

Bilbo names his sword ‘Sting’. We know that Bilbo naming his sword ‘Sting’ shows that he has more confidence then when he was back at home. We can see that his heroic qualities such as leadership and independence is starting to grow.

How does Bilbo rescue the dwarves? What skills does he use to defeat the spiders?

Bilbo rescues the dwarves by cursing and provoking the spiders, baiting them towards him. He then sneaks around them and releases the dwarves. He deceived the spiders to free the dwarves.




The Hobbit – Chapter 7

Queer Lodgings

What is a skin-changer?

A skin changer is a man who can assume the appearance of another animal or black bear. Beorn is an example of a skin-changer.

What does Beorn eat (p.116)? Why do you think he chooses to eat this way? What does it suggest about his inherent character traits?

He eats mostly cream, bread and honey. I think he wants to eat this way to show other people and creatures that he doesn’t want to kill other living things. It means that he has pity because the animal he turns to may not have it.

How does Gandalf get Beorn to shelter thirteen dwarves?

Gandalf gets Beorn to shelter thirteen dwarves by distracting Beorn with an exciting story while he brings in the dwarves two by two.

What eventually interests Beorn about the dwarves’ tales? What group of creatures does Beorn seem to dislike?

Beorn gets interested when the dwarves talk about being attacked by goblins, he does not like goblins or wolves.

What is the most important advice that Beorn and Gandalf give about Mirkwood? Do you think this advice will be followed? Defend your answer.

Never leave the path and its hard to find water. I think that they will follow the advice because they don’t want to get themselves killed or be in danger.



The Hobbit – Chapter 6

Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire

After reading this chapter why do you think it has been given the title it has, “Out of the frying pan and into the fire”?

After reading this chapter I think the name was given because they go from a bad situation to an even worse situation.

How does Bilbo know he is on the east side of the Misty Mountains?

Bilbo knows that he is on the east side of the mountains because he saw that the sun was setting in the east on the other side of the mountain.

What proverb does Bilbo invent? Try to create a modern proverb with a similar meaning.

Bilbo invents the proverb ‘Escaping goblins to be caught by wolves.’ I think that the title of the chapter refers to Bilbo’s proverb and is a modern proverb.

Why does the lord of the eagles notice the expedition?

The lord of the eagles notice Thorin’s expedition because he was drawn to the noise made by wargs and orcs as they gathered around Gandalf, Bilbo and the dwarves.

Why won’t the eagles fly near where men live? What do you think Tolkien is suggesting about mankind’s place in his imagined world? Are men the wisest, noblest, or most powerful beings,if not, who is?

Eagles won’t fly near where men live because the men will shoot at them with bow and arrows because they think that the eagles want to get their livestock. Tolkien is suggesting that men are selfish, greedy and stubborn. I also think that Tolkien is suggesting that men do not trust other living things because I don’t think that men would allow eagles to go near them or any other beings or creatures. I do not think that men are the wisest, noblest,or most powerful beings. I think that God is the wisest, noblest and most powerful being because if you think about it, God did make the universe by saying ‘let there be light’.


The Hobbit – Chapter 5

Riddles in the Dark

How does Bilbo know his sword was made by elves? Why is it good that Bilbo lost his matches?

Bilbo is aware that his sword is made elves because it starts to glow when goblins are nearby. It is good that Bilbo lost his matches because it lead to him finding the ring.

How does Gollum guess that Bilbo has his ring?

Gollum guesses that Bilbo has the ring because Bilbo acts nervous and worried when Gollum asks Bilbo what was in his pocket.

How do the goblins know that someone is at the gate? Which of the dwarves is the most surprised to see Bilbo?

The goblins knew someone was there because the sunlight showed Bilbo’s shadow. Balin was the most surprised and excited to see Bilbo.

Explain what the feelings of the dwarves would be when they first see Bilbo?

I think the dwarves would be very surprised and relieved to see Bilbo alive.

The Hobbit – Chapter 4

Over Hill and Under Hill

Advised by Elrond, Gandalf the 13 dwarves and Bilbo take the right path into the treacherous mountain. They deeper they go into the mountains, the more colder and dangerous, Bilbo thinks of home once again. The dwarves are positive that they will reach Lonely Mountain by Durin’s Day but Gandalf thinks differently because he knows he evil and dangerous the land they are travelling on are.

The 14 and Gandalf are soon in the middle of a thunderstorm that is caused by stone-giants. they all take refuge and sleep in the back of a cave. Bilbo dreams of a crack in the back of the cave and finds out that it is real and that the ponies and Goblins have gone into it. When the Goblins try to take Gandalf, he creates a lightning flash in the cave and a few Goblins die. After, the crack closes and Gandalf disappears.

The Goblins force Bilbo and the dwarves into the cavern of the Great Goblin with whips. They see their ponies which will be eaten by the Goblins soon after. The Great Goblin accuses the dwarves as being spies, thieves and murderers. The Goblins sees Thorin’s sword which is called Orcrist or Goblin-clever which the goblins recognize as an elvish sword that killed many Goblins. They know it as Biter. The Great Goblin becomes infuriated and orders the goblins to kill the dwarves. Suddenly, the sword Glamdring appears and kills the Great Goblin.

Gandalf’s voice takes Bilbo and the dwarves out of the cave. The goblins go after them but Thorin and Gandalf turn and kill a few goblins. Bilbo, the dwarves and Gandalf continue deeper into the goblin tunnels. The goblins sneak up behind Dori who is carrying Bilbo and Dori falls and Bilbo becomes unconscious when he hits his head on a rock.

The cave of the Great Goblin


Why does the expedition take shelter in the cave?

The expedition takes shelter in the cave because there was a very large thunder-battle when Bilbo, Gandalf and the 13 dwarves were going through the mountain.

Why isn’t Gandalf captured?

Gandalf isn’t captured because he blind and kills some of the goblins that try to capture him and he disappears.

What do goblins usually do with their prisoners?

Goblins would eat the animals such as the ponies in this book, and they would make their slaves work until they died.

How does Gandalf rescue Bilbo and the dwarves?

Gandalf has the blade Glamdring that killed the Great Goblin and gave a bit of time for Bilbo and the dwarves to get away from the goblins.

What do you think the feelings of the group are at this moment now that they have found shelter? Is there and tension between any of the characters?

I don’t think there is any tension because the travellers are already exhausted and they don’t have energy to think about anything but rest.