The Hobbit – Chapter 1

An Unexpected Party

Bilbo Baggins was a hobbit that lived in a hole in the ground which was completely furnished. The Bagginses are known for their wealth and never going on any adventures. His One day, Bilbo greeted an old man with a staff which he doesn’t recognize as Gandalf the wizard. Gandalf tells Bilbo that he wants to share an adventure with him, Bilbo denies the offer even after he discovers that the man is actually Gandalf. After, Bilbo invites Gandalf to tea the next day. Gandalf makes a mark on Bilbo’s front door and leaves.

The next day, Gandalf and thirteen dwarves named: Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin arrive at Bilbo’s house and make themselves at home demanding for food and drinks. They act as if Bilbo had invited them to his house.

Bilbo discovers that Gandalf and the thirteen dwarves are at his house to go on an adventure and that Bilbo is to follow them on the adventure. The adventure is to go and take back treasure stolen from a strong and greedy dragon inside a mountain. Thorin, the leader warns all the dwarves that they will embark on a journey that they might not return from. This frightens Bilbo as he did not want to go an adventure. He finds out that Gandalf had chosen him to be the burgular reminding the dwarves of the mark on his door. After, Bilbo decides to join the dwarves on the adventure.

Gandalf takes out a map and a silver key that was made by Thror, Thorin’s grandfather which shows where the mountain, treasure and dragon is located. He points out the secret entrance on the map and gives Thorin the key to it. Thorin then tells the other dwarves and Bilbo about his ancestors and a dragon named Smaug. After, they all go to bed planning to get up early the next morning.

The map of the mountain



What is Gandalf’s reputation?

Gandalf is well known to be a wizard that goes on many adventures and makes excellent fireworks.

What kind of mark does Gandalf put on Bilbo’s door?

Gandalf scratches a queer sign on Bilbo’s door.

How many dwarves come to tea?

Gandalf and 13 dwarves showed up at Bilbo’s house for tea including Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin.

What does Thorin wear to distinguish himself from the other dwarves?

Thorin wears a sky-blue hood with a long silver tassel to distinguish himself from all the other dwarves.

What two things does Gandalf give Thorin?

Gandalf gives Thorin a map of the mountain and a small silver key.

How did the dwarves lose their treasure and kingdom?

In Thror’s time, their were many dragons that stole treasure from wealthy people. King Thror lived in great wealth under the mountain near Dale. Soon after a very dangerous dragon named Smaug took over the mountain taking and keeping all the treasure to himself. The dwarves had to evacuate the mountain in order to survive, leaving all their treasure behind.

What are your first impressions of Bilbo?

My first impression of Bilbo is that he is a very friendly and nice hobbit that lives an easy life. He never goes on adventures and lives in a comfortable and peaceful home.

What are your first impressions of Thorin?

My first impression of Thorin is that he seems to be a very important and respected dwarf. He seems to have a lot of power.